We decided to take a trip to Spanish Ante on Shell Island for the Easter weekend. We thought that there would be very few boats out Friday night. We so enjoy having the island to ourselves or with very few people there. Our friends on Salty C's were going to follow us out and we would show them how to stern into the island.
We radioed our friends on Salty C's and told them to do the same thing we did just to the east of us and we would handle their stern anchors. They radioed back they had lost power in their starboard engine and had shut it down. We went out in the dinghy to see if we could help figure it out. The motor was seized up tight. They would have to wait for another time to go to the island. They headed back to the marina on one engine. Anybody want to debate the twin vs single engines again.
We had the beach to ourselves. we enjoy the peacefulness. We were disappointed that our friends could not be out this weekend. It turned out to be a beautiful sunset.